(2014) - path blood heroes perfection


Editado 31 de enero de 2017 - 11:13 por [MM]Gallas
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Path Blood perfection.

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Razes: Doors, Towers, Castles, etc

1 Raze = Bombard Tower i base

You have a Genghis kahn that powers up Automatically, and a Master Templar that powers up in middle.

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2 Razes= 2 Saboteurs in base.

Objective: Destroy enemy Tower.

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3 Razes = Main Tower + AP/HP

On island behind your base you use a petard to destroy a palisade and choose unit to spawn (by placing on hill with torches).

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4 Razes +2 Bombard Towers

Every 100 Kills gives you a petard to spawn a new unit.

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5 Razes & Up= Find Out Yourself ;)

Every 100 Kills gives you a petard to spawn a new unit.

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This Map Is Best Played as 2v2v2v2 or FFA.

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Good Luck && Have fun.

Download map:
path blood forever
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Escrito 26 de noviembre de 2014 - 22:48
you made path blood?
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Editado 29 de noviembre de 2014 - 07:33 por losernumberone
i am etc...
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Escrito 27 de noviembre de 2014 - 03:57
If you are so hopeless at English, it would be better to write you post in your native language.
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Escrito 27 de noviembre de 2014 - 19:03
Isn't Path Blood made by Rambit?
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Escrito 27 de noviembre de 2014 - 21:25
This post really really not fit for contest rules.
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Escrito 29 de noviembre de 2014 - 07:31
i am ...
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Editado 29 de noviembre de 2014 - 14:52 por [_GS_]MilaN__
path blood such a cool map with the 2 heros, it was the main blood played in gamespy, most of the time ffa
it has the potential to become popular

edit: im talking about the old version with the templar+khan, and first choice between samurai and arbalest, not the fahcking version with the ****ing plumbos
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Editado 29 de noviembre de 2014 - 15:08 por losernumberone
that version?

tutorial for resonance22

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Escrito 29 de noviembre de 2014 - 15:18
All of ur screenshots are not even of the same map. Just doing some edits in a map wont fetch u trophy mate.
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Escrito 29 de noviembre de 2014 - 20:03
path blood such a cool map with the 2 heros, it was the main blood played in gamespy, most of the time ffa
it has the potential to become popular

edit: im talking about the old version with the templar+khan, and first choice between samurai and arbalest, not the fahcking version with the ****ing plumbos
That's Path Blood Heroes and it's still rated under casual.
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Editado 29 de noviembre de 2014 - 20:36 por Th0m
path blood such a cool map with the 2 heros, it was the main blood played in gamespy, most of the time ffa
it has the potential to become popular

edit: im talking about the old version with the templar+khan, and first choice between samurai and arbalest, not the fahcking version with the ****ing plumbos

Nobunaga > Arbalest
Nobunaga > Woad Raider (picked in tg)
or rush with either

at least half of those maps gave host an extra sab rofl
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Escrito 2 de diciembre de 2014 - 22:54
paat blood 5.1 ,(best vertion) , path blood v 30(vill) , path blood fix etc.. ok
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Escrito 2 de diciembre de 2014 - 22:57
omg path blood ship,etc
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Escrito 31 de diciembre de 2014 - 11:27
I doubt it you made this/these? map(s). I see this topic just as a map collection about your favorites.

If you can prove it YOU made it, I will list your topic.

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